Sunday, June 24, 2012

I LOVE this and just thought it to be fitting to this blog!

I have a few things starting this week and am hoping that by seeing everything in black and white that it will help keep my accountable.  The first step is putting on my BIG GIRL PANTIES ;)

This week I am starting off with a clean eating group and I cannot express to you how much I need this.  I have not been doing very well in this department lately, and by lately I mean at least a year. dear sweet friend Jen is going to help me out in this department!
Next is re-starting my Turbo Fire Program.  I really enjoy this program.  It's a lot of high intensity, butt kicking stuff, but I like it rough!  My friend Lorraine has started this program too.  It's awesome to have a buddy!
My final project to kick off this week is getting back on track with my running!  A few years ago I started running with a group of girls and had a love/hate relationship with running.  Over time the hate started to diminish and I was loving it!  Well since then, we have all gone down different roads.  Some have moved, some have had life changing events, some have had surgery, and then well...there's me.  I didn't develop enough of a love for it to do it by myself!  In recent months I have been running with my husbands running group when I can on Saturdays.  Well, Saturday's just aren't cutting it, so this week I am hoping to add more days.

In a nutshell, this week is about Putting on my big girl panties!

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